Site-specific four-channels video Installation + performance


1 bed/ 4 channels video installation/ 1 skull/ 1 sarcophagus/ 2-night stands/ 1 chair

A bed is located in the space; behind it an art video of a forest rotation is projected on the wall.
Projected from the ceiling to the bed, a computer animation with images of orgy and the sound of a collective orgasm momentum is be hearing. At the left side of the bed hanging from the ceiling, a sarcophagus with a projection of the woman body in fetal position. At the right side of the bed on top of a nightstand, a video “khronos” is projected on a skull.

This project discuss the horizontal position of the body in the space and things that we usually do in the horizontal position which are more connected to the unconscious, such as sex, born, die, dream.

meeting god - Future=Fertile - Leo Kuelbs Collection, Brooklyn, NY (2009)

video meeting god - Future=Fertile - Leo Kuelbs Collection, Brooklyn, NY (2009)

video meeting god at anarko art lab (Living Theater)